Haewoo Dream

R&D status


We provide safe products with consistent taste and quality by requesting periodic analysis from authorized institutions and having our own laboratory.

Product type Analysis item
Category Size Inspection cycle
Chilli /
Red pepper powder
성상 It should already have its own color and flavor, and should not have off-flavors. 2 times/year
Biological Biological Salmonella Common bacteria Escherichia coli Enterohemorrhagic escherichia coli
Fungi Listeria monocytogenes Rostridium perfringens Mold count Staphylococcus aureus
Chemical Moisture(%) Tar color Spicy Color Crude fat
Acid insoluble ash content(%) Ash content(%) Total aflatoxin Ochratoxin A Lead
Cadmium Remaining pesticides: 510 types - - -
Physical Foreign matter: not detected Adultered products Metallic foreign substance - -
Dried produce Biological Bacillus cereus Salmonella Common bacteria Coliform Escherichia coli
Enterohemorrhagic escherichia coli Fungi Listeria monocytogenes Rostridium perfringens Mold count
Staphylococcus aureus - - - -
Chemical Moisture(%) Tar color Spicy Color Crude fat
Acid insoluble ash content(%) Ash content(%) Total aflatoxin Ochratoxin A Lead
Lead Residual pesticides (510 types), chloroethanol, ethylene oxide